Clients Handled (Company Based)

  1. Bank Umum Sertivia, Tbk (SBU) dalam likuidasi
  2. PT. Angkasa Pura I
  3. PT. Angkasa Pura II
  4. Arta Buana Sakti
  5. PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.
  6. Bank Indonesia
  7. PT. Bank Bumiputera Indonesia Tbk.
  8. Citic Seram Energy, Ltd (CSEL/KUFPEC)
  9. Daimler Chrysler
  10. HM. Sampoerna Tbk.
  11. PT. Metropolitan Kentjana Tbk.
  12. MAERSK, Ltd.
  13. PT. Nindya Karya
  14. PT. Citra Jimbaran Indah Hotel
  15. PT. Perusahaan Dagang dan Industri Panamas
  16. PT. Pasti Lima Tudjuh
  17. PT. Sadin Tradewinds Indonesia
  18. PT. Waskita Karya Tbk.
  19. PT. You Lim Sari
  20. Société Auxiliaire d’Entreprises (SAE International)
  21. PT. Sentul City Tbk.
  22. PT. Astro International
  23. PT. Alfakher Trading Indonesia
  24. PT. Alfakher International Indonesia
  25. PT. Izaunet Berkah Mandiri
  26. CV. Muli Sejahtera


History of Individual Clients, Landmark Cases, and Organizations Handled

  1. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), 4th President of Indonesia – Direct Legal Advisory (2000-2001)
  2. H. Probosutedjo – Corruption Allegations of the Corruption Eradication Commission (2017)
  3. Nia Daniaty (2014-Present)
  4. John Refra Kei (2012-2013) – Allegations of the Murder of the Director of PT. Sanex Steel Indonesia Tan Harry Tantono
  5. Achievements: Avoided the Death Penalty prosecuted against him in the District Court until the Supreme Court Decision.
  6. Michael Titus Igweh (2014-2016) – Death Penalty due to Allegations of Heroin Drug Trafficking
  7. Achievements: The First Criminal Case on Death Penalty in Indonesia which granted the Second Motion for Judicial Review (Peninjauan Kembali Kedua Kalinya)
  8. David Chiamindar Laksono (2017) – Allegations of Forgery
  9. PT. Komservico Mitra Global v. AirNav Indonesia LPPNPI (2017) – won against AirNav on tort claims, and corporate criminal allegations.
  10. Olivia Nathania (2021 – Present) – Fraud, Scam and Forgery Allegations of Government Employee Admissions (CPNS)
  11. Khan v. The Boeing Company, Case No. 20-cv-05773 (2019- Present) – Cross Jurisdiction dispute settlement on tort claims pertaining to the crash of Boeing 737Air Max Lion Air JT-610 in the waters of Karawang between Indonesian Courts and the District Court For the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, alongside foreign law firm partners Michael Indrajana Law Group and Sanjiv N. Singh PLC.
  12. Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU)
  13. Partai Keadilan dan Persatuan Indonesia (PKPI)

Foreign Partners

  1. Michael Indrajana Law Group, A Professional Law Group Corporation (ILG) based in 1650 S. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 220, San Mateo, California, CA 94402, // (650) 597-0928
  2. Sanjiv N. Singh, A Professional Law Corp. (SNS-PLC) based in 1650 S. Amphlett Blvd. Suite 220, San Mateo, California, CA 94402, // (650) 389-2255

    Indra Sahnun Lubis, SH and Associates is devoted to providing legal needs and business expectations to our clients in an ethical and professional manner. We immediately respond to our clients inquiries and requests for assistance.


    Jl. Keuangan Raya No. 48, Cilandak Barat, Jakarta Selatan (12430) - INDONESIA


    + 62 21 722 6405

